About Me

Although I used a design template, I coded most of the website myself :))

Hi! I am a recent graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park where I studied Information Science (InfoSci). InfoSci is a field at the intersecton of humanities and technology. With a focus on the socio-technical aspect of technology rather than just the technical aspect, I am was able to explore technology in various contexts.

Current Works

Apart from research I am really looking into exploring various technological pratices:

Currently working on building projects for my portfolio and trying to build as much in relation to LLMs, data visuzalization and more!

Research Interest

I have done research in a couple of different avenues, academic and industrial. My current research interest is in regards to data collection with social sciences and technology usage in government services. One of the biggest reasons I switched from a more technical background was the lack of inclusion of the humanities aspect regarding technology. Usability is just as important as functionality! I am currently doing research as a Visting Fellow at The University of Texas Austin with the ISchool Inclusion Institute.

One of my goals this year is to get my Javascript knowledge back up to a higher proficiency. Check out my Github.


In my free time, I really like to spend time doing no-screen activities or teaching! I really have become fond of holding free workshops regarding creative technology as it helps to bridge the gap of computer science knowledge